Approaching retirement
Jacqui Collins
A client since 2016
What prompted Jacqui to seek advice?
Jacqui was a senior manager with the NHS. It was a stressful job which included a long commute and she often worked more than 12 hours a day. She is married to Tim, who at this point, had already retired. Jacqui wanted to retire at age 58 and had a minimum income in mind.
How did we help?
We worked with Jacqui to fully understand her current position, including her assets. We established medium to long-term goals and completed a lifetime cashflow model that identified how her retirement objectives could be met through additional pension planning. These plans included significant tax savings by reallocating existing savings and income to pensions.
How has Jacqui benefited from our advice?
Jacqui has been able to retire at age 58 as planned and has absolute confidence in her finances.
What Jacqui says about working with us:
“Andrew completely changed the way I thought about planning for retirement. I was amazed at how much I was able to save in the two years prior to retirement. This has allowed me to bridge the gap between retiring early and realising some of my longer-term pension benefits.
Without Andrew’s help and advice, I would probably have had to continue to work well beyond age 60. A year into retirement, my finances have worked out exactly as planned, enabling me to live the lifestyle I planned for which involves spending more time with my husband (and dogs). I will always be grateful.”
Let’s talk
If you want to free yourself to enjoy your wealth, then get in touch using the details below or complete the form.